
Trixie looked at her

Trixie looked at her. “Do you want to know how I did it?”
Zephyr nodded, drawn forward.
She slowly pulled the tape that sealed the bandage around her wrist and unraveled the gauze until the wound was visible: gaping and saw-edged, angry.
“Wow,” Zephyr breathed. “That is sick. Did it hurt?”
Trixie shook her head.
“Did you see lights or angels or, like, God?”
Trixie thought about it, hard. The last thing she could remember was the rusted edge of the radiator, which she focused on before blacking out. “I didn’t see anything.”
“Figures,” Zephyr sighed, and then she looked at Trixie and grinned.
Trixie felt like smiling back. For the first time in a long time when she told her brain to do it, it actually worked.
Three days after Trixie tried to kill herself, Daniel and Laura found themselves in Marita Soorenstad’s office, with Trixie between them Detective Bartholemew was seated to their left, and behind the desk the DA was ripping open a Pixy Stix. “Help yourselves,” she said, and then she turned to Trixie. “I’m certainly glad to see you’re with us. From what I understand, that wasn’t a sure thing a few days ago.”
Daniel reached over and took his daughter’s hand. It felt like ice. “Trixie’s feeling much better,Moncler Sale.”
“For how long?” the district attorney asked, folding her hands on the desk,cheap north face down jacket. “I don’t mean to sound insensitive, Mr. Stone, but the only thing consistent in this case so far has been the lack of consistency.”
Laura shook her head. “I don’t understand ...”
“As a prosecutor, my job is to present facts to a jury that make it possible for them to find, beyond a reasonable doubt, that your daughter was the victim of a rape perpetrated by Jason Underhill. However, the facts I’m presenting are the ones that your daughter presented to us. And that means our case is only as good as the information she’s provided me with and as strong as the picture she paints on the stand.”
Daniel felt his jaw tighten. “I’d think that when a girl tries to kill herself, it’s a pretty good indicator that she’s suffering from trauma.”
“Either that, or mental instability.”
“So, you just give up?” Laura said, incredulous. “You don’t try a case if you think it’s going to be a tough sell?”
“I never said that, Mrs. Stone. But I do have an ethical obligation not to bring a case to court if even I’m unsure a crime happened.”
“You’ve got evidence,” Daniel said. “That rape kit.”
“Yes. The same rape kit that allowed a laboratory to find evidence of semen in Trixie’s mouth, when by her own statement she did not have oral sex that night. On the other hand,Website, Jason Underhill says that the intercourse was consensual . . . and was both oral and vaginal.” The DA turned over a page in a file.
“According to Trixie,Shipping Information, she screamed no while she was being raped but said that her friend Zephyr wouldn’t have been able to hear her over the music. Yet according to other witnesses, no music was playing during the time of the assault.”
“They’re all lying,” Daniel said.
Marita stared at him. “Or Trixie is. She lied to you about going to her friend’s house for a quiet sleepover that night. She lied about losing her virginity the night of the assault...”

