
寮備埂寮傚 Stranger In A Strange Land_278

earching the place. But, Boss, I’vepushed enough electrons to know that any dump can be bugged, so that youcan’t find it without tearing the building down.“.Fine, fine-but I didn’t mean that. They can’t keep a hotel this big buggedthroughout just on the chance that we might take a room in it-at least, I don’tthink they can. I mean, .How about the supplies?’ I’m hungry, boy, and verythirsty-and we’ve three more for lunch.“.Oh,rolex submariner replica, that. That stuff was unloaded under my eyes, carried down the sameway, placed just inside the door; I put it all in the pantry. You’ve got asuspicious nature, Boss.“.I sure have-and you’d better acquire one if you want to live as long as Ihave.“ Jubal had just trusted Douglas with a fortune equivalent to a mediumsizednational debt-but he had not assumed that Douglas’ overeagerlieutenants would not tamper with food and drink. So to avoid the services ofa food taster he had fetched all the way from the Poconos plenty of food,more than a plenty of liquor-and a little water. And, of course, ice cubes. Hewondered how Caesar had licked the Gauls without ice cubes.
  .I don’t hanker to,“ Duke answered.
  .Matter of taste. I’ve had a pretty good time, on the whole. Get crackin’, girls.
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