

  Moreover, his plan had been to ballast it in the Women's Island, whither hehad from the first determined to go. The remedy which the Admiralemployed was to fill with sea water, as soon as possible, all the emptybarrels which had previously held either wine or fresh water. In this waythe difficulty was remedied.
  "The Admiral tells here the reasons for fearing that our Saviour wouldallow him to become the victim of this tempest,http://www.moncleroutletonlinestore.com/, and other reasons whichmade him hope that God would come to his assistance, and cause him toarrive safe and sound, so that intelligence such as that which he wasconveying to the king and queen would not perish with him. The strongdesire which he had to be the bearer of intelligence so important, and toprove the truth of all which he had said, and that all which he had tried to discover had really been discovered, seemed to contribute precisely toinspire him with the greatest fear that he could not succeed. He confessed,himself, that every mosquito that passed before his eyes was enough toannoy and trouble him. He attributed this to his little faith, and his lack ofconfidence in Divine Providence,Jeremy Scott Adidas Wings. On the other hand, he was re-animatedby the favors which God had shown him in granting to him so great atriumph as that which he had achieved, in all his discoveries, in fulfillingall his wishes, and in granting that, after having experienced in Castile somany rebuffs and disappointments, all his hopes should at last be morethan surpassed. In one word, as the sovereign master of the universe, had,in the outset, distinguished him in granting all his requests, before he hadcarried out his expedition for God's greatest glory, and before it hadsucceeded, he was compelled to believe now that God would preserve himto complete the work which he had begun." Such is Las Casas'sabridgment of Columbus's words.
  "For which reasons he said he ought to have had no fear of the tempestthat was raging. But his weakness and anguish did not leave him amoment's calm. He also said that his greatest grief was the thought ofleaving his two boys orphans. They were at Cordova, at their studies.
  What would become of them in a strange land,http://www.cheapnorthfacedownjacket.com/, without father or mother?
  for the king and queen, being ignorant of the services he had renderedthem in this voyage,north face outlet, and of the good news which he was bringing to them,would not be bound by any consideration to serve as their protectors.
  "Full of this thought, he sought, even in the storm, some means ofapprising their highnesses of the victory which the Lord had granted him,in permitting him to discover in the Indies all which he had sought in hisvoyage, and to let them know that these coasts were free from storms,which is proved, he said, by the growth of herbage and trees even to theedge of the sea. With this purpose, that, if he perished in this tempest, theking and queen might have some news of his voyage, he took a parchmentand wrote on it all that he could of his discoveries, and urgently beggedthat whoever found it would carry it to the king and queen. He rolled upthis parchment in a piece of waxed linen, closed this parcel tightly, andtied it up securely; he had brought to him a large wooden barrel, within which he placed it, without anybody's knowing what it was. Everybodythought the proceeding was some act of devotion. He then caused it to bethrown into the sea."[*]

