
  By and by the two dropped carelessly into the Com- missioner's room and reclined lazily in the b

  By and by the two dropped carelessly into the Com- missioner's room and reclined lazily in the big, leather- upholstered arm-chairs. They drawled a good-natured complaint of the weather,Moncler Jackets For Men, and Hamlin told the Com- missioner an excellent story he had amassed that morn- ing from the Secretary of State.
  But the Commissioner knew why they were there. He had half promised to render a decision that day upon their location.
  The chief clerk now brought in a batch of duplicate certificates for the Commissioner to sign. As he traced his sprawling signature, "Hollis Summerfield, Comr. Genl. Land Office," on each one, the chief clerk stood, deftly removing them and applying the blotter.
  "I notice," said the chief clerk, "you've been going through that Salado County location. Kampfer is mak- ing a new map of Salado, and I believe is platting in that section of the county now."
  "I will see it," said the Comissioner. A few moments later he went to the draughtsmen's room.
  As he entered he saw five or six of the draughtsmen grouped about Kampfer's desk, gargling away at each other in pectoral German, and gazing at something there- upon. At the Commissioner's approach they scattered to their several places,Moncler Outlet. Kampfer, a wizened little Ger- man, with long, frizzled ringlets and a watery eye, began to stammer forth some sort of an apology, the Commis- sioner thought, for the congregation of his fellows about his desk.
  "Never mind,' said the Commissioner, "I wish to see the map you are making"; and,cheap adidas shoes for sale, passing around the old German, seated himself upon the high draughtsman's stool. Kampfer continued to break English in trving to explain.
  "Herr Gommissioner, I assure you blenty sat I haf not it bremeditated -- sat it wass -- sat it itself make. Look you! from se field notes wass it blatted -- blease to observe se calls: South, 10 degrees west 050 varas; south, 10 degrees east 300 varas; south, 100; south, 9 west, 200; south, 40 degrees west 400 -- and so on. Herr Gommissioner, nefer would I have -- "
  The Commissioner raised one white hand, silently, Kampfer dropped his pipe and fled.
  With a hand at each side of his face, and his elbows resting upon the desk, the Commissioner sat staring at the map which was spread and fastened there -- staring at the sweet and living profile of little Georgia drawn thereupon -- at her face, pensive, delicate, and infantile, outlined in a perfect likeness.
  When his mind at length came to inquire into the rea- son of it, he saw that it must have been,Jeremy Scott Adidas Wings, as Kampfer had said, unpremeditated. The old draughtsman had been platting in the Elias Denny survey, and Georgia's likeness, striking though it was, was formed by nothing more than the meanders of Chiquito River. Indeed, Kampfer's blotter, whereon his preliminary work was done, showed the laborious tracings of the calls and the countless pricks of the compasses. Then, over his faint pencilling, Kampfer had drawn in India ink with a full, firm pen the similitude of Chiquito River, and forth had blossomed mysteriously the dainty, pathetic profile of the child.

