
Before the onslaught of questions

Before the onslaught of questions, Robbie stepped to the bar and took the hand of Roberta Drumm. She rose and walked stiffly to the podium, Robbie by her side. She pulled the microphone down a bit closer and said, "My name is Roberta Drumm. Donte was my son. I have little to say at this moment. My family is grieving. We are in shock. But I beg of you, I plead with the people of this town, to stop the violence. Stop the fires and the rock throwing, the fighting, the threats. Please stop it,replica gucci wallets. It does no good. Yes, we are angry. Yes,Designer Handbags, we are wounded. But the violence serves no purpose. I call on my people to lay down your arms, to respect everyone, and to get off the streets. The violence does nothing but harm the honor of my son."
Robbie led her back to her seat, then smiled at the crowd and said, "Now, does anyone have a question?"
Chapter 35
Matthew Burns joined the Schroeder family for a late breakfast of pancakes and sausage. The boys ate quickly and returned to their video games. Dana made more coffee and began clearing the table. They discussed the press conference, Robbie's brilliant presentation of the case, and Roberta's poignant remarks. Matthew was curious about Slone,Fake Designer Handbags, the fires and violence, but Keith had seen little of it. He had felt the tension, smelled the smoke, heard the police helicopter hovering overhead, but he had not seen much of the town.
With fresh coffee, the three sat at the table and talked about Keith's improbable journey and the whereabouts of Travis Boyette. Keith, though, was growing weary of the details. He had other issues, and Matthew was prepared for the conversation.
"So, Counselor, how much trouble could I be in?" Keith asked.
"The law is not real clear. There is no specific prohibition against aiding a convicted felon in his efforts to violate the terms of his parole. But it's still against the law. The applicable code section deals with obstruction of justice, which is a huge net for a lot of behavior that would otherwise be difficult to classify. By driving Boyette out of this jurisdiction, and with the knowledge that it was a violation of his parole, you violated the law."
"How serious?"
Matthew shrugged, grimaced, stirred his coffee with a spoon. "It's a felony, but not a serious one. And it's not the type of violation that we get excited about."
"We?" Dana asked.
"As in prosecutors. The district attorney would have jurisdiction, a different office. I'm with the city."
"A felony?" Keith asked.
"Probably. It appears that your trip to Texas has gone unnoticed here in Topeka. You managed to avoid the cameras, and I have yet to see your name in print."
"But you know about it, Matthew," Dana said.
"I do, and I suppose that, technically,fake montblanc pens, I'm expected to inform the police, to turn you in. But it doesn't work that way. We can process only so much crime. We're forced to pick and choose. This is not a violation that any prosecutor would want to deal with."
"But Boyette is a famous guy right now," Dana said. "It's just a matter of time before a reporter here picks up on the story. He jumped parole, took off to Texas, and we've seen his face for three days now."

