"Snub the rope or you'll have the tent down on you!" he shouted.
Teddy darted forward, throwing himself upon the heavy rope that heldthe dome in place.
At that instant the rope on which Phil Forrest was descending gaveway, and Phil came straight down.
He landed on Teddy Tucker's head and shoulders, knocking Teddy flaton the ground, where the little Circus Boy lay still. Yet he had, with rarepresence of mind, snubbed the heavy rope around a tent stake, keeping thefree end of the rope in hand, and holding desperately to it.
Nor did Teddy release his grip on the rope, now that he had beenknocked unconscious. He held it in place, the strands wound firmlyabout his arm, though inch by inch he was slipping toward the heavy tentstake. Phil had received a severe shaking-up, but he was on his feetquickly, looking about to see on whom he had fallen.
When he discovered that Teddy had been the victim, Phil groaned.
"I'm afraid I have finished him!"Teddy had now been drawn along by the rope until his head wasagainst the tent stake.
"Quick! Lend a hand here!" shouted Phil.
He wrenched the rope loose from Tucker's hands, taking a twist abouthis own arms and holding on with all his might.
Several ring attendants came to their senses about that time and rushedto his assistance.
"Take care of Teddy!" cried Phil.
The ringmaster turned Teddy over and looked into the lad's face. Atthat, Teddy opened his eyes and winked. The ringmaster jerked him tohis feet and shook him vigorously.
This restored the boy to his normal condition.
"Hello, folks!" howled Teddy, turning a handspring, falling over a ringcurbing as he did so.
The people forgot their fear and greeted Teddy with wild applause.
The Circus Boy had saved a blow-down and perhaps many lives as well.
Chapter 7 In New Quarters
Though the center pole had been struck by lightning, repairs were soonsufficiently advanced to enable the show to go on and complete theperformance. The pole itself was practically ruined.
Fortunately, the show had another one, and the wrecked pole was lefton the lot that night as worthless.
After the Roman races the people stood up in their seats and gave threecheers for the boy who had saved many of them from perhaps seriousinjury or death.
Teddy heard the cheer. He was in his dressing tent changing hisclothes, having thus far gotten on only his trousers and undershirt.
He could not restrain his curiosity, so trotting to the entrance heinquired the cause of the commotion.
"They're cheering for you," a canvasman informed him.
"For me?""Yes."Teddy needed no more. Without an instant's hesitation he ran out intothe ring, where he stood smiling, bowing and throwing kisses to them.
"Come and see us again!" yelled the Circus Boy.
"We will that!" answered a chorus of voices.
"I'll have the big hen lay another egg for you. I--" His voice wasdrowned in the roar of laughter that followed this sally.
Already the attendants were ripping up the seats, loading them into thewagons, with a rattle and bang. Men were shouting, horses neighing;here and there an animal uttered a hoarse-voiced protest at something, itknew not what.